FSSB R3 Plate


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Mounting plate for a desktop usage of FSSB-R3.

This consists of a black painted steel plate with holes to fix the FSSB-R3 and the 4 fixing screws.


In stock


This accessory is a mounting plate for a desktop usage of FSSB-R3 (all models).

Usually, R3 owners use the Thrustmaster Warthog plate to fix the FSSB-R3 but numerous customers without the TM Warthog have had to manufacture his own plate, which in most cases was a problem.

So, given the high number of queries received around this problem and requesting a solution, we offer you a ready to use FSSB-R3 plate. This consists of a black painted steel plate with holes to fix the FSSB-R3 and the 4 fixing screws (allen DIN-7991 M4x10).

Additional information

Weight 1,5 kg
Dimensions 30 × 25 × 2 cm

Sales Conditions

  • Realsimulator warrants this product to be in good working order for a period of two (2) years from the date of purchase. For a more detailed information, please, visit our General Sales Conditions page.
  • Shipping cost is not included in price. It will be calculated based on the weight of the products and once you have provided your address.
  • This product is shipped by Express service. You will receive an email confirmation as soon as your order ships. On this confirmation will be a link that will take you directly to the freight carrier’s website so that you can track your order online.
  • European Community Citizens must add the European taxes (21%).
  • This price is only available for home user customers.
  • For professional/commercial use, price and product are different. These customers must contact our sales department (sales@realsimulator.com) for quotation and ordering information.

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