Castle Cup


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“Castle” style cap for the F16SGRH DMS switch, manufactured with 3D printing technology, in black resin with a matte finish.

F16SGRH grips are supplied with a “stadium” style cap in the DMS switch, the classic cap for F-16 blocks; with this “castle” style cap you can upgrade your F16SGRH to the newer F-16 blocks.


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This accessory is a “castle” style cap for the F16SGRH DMS switch, manufactured with 3D printing technology, in black resin with a matte finish.

F16SGRH grips are supplied with a “stadium” style cap in the DMS switch, the classic cap for F-16 blocks; with this “castle” style cap you can upgrade your F16SGRH to the newer F-16 blocks.

The actual cap switches in the F16SGRH are polyamide coloured in mass and painted with best quality UV cured varnish after parts are cleaned, this let you have cups like real ones. These caps are injected in a mould that we have modify several times until obtain the best feeling, appearance and the perfect fitting, that is, the cap won’t be removed by accident ever; they are really tight to the switch rod.

On other hand, as you know the switches are designed to be pressed, not to be depressed, so there is a possible risk that you can damage the switch in the process of removing the cap.

In conclusion, most probably you will be able to remove the cap without damaging the DMS switch because we always check that it is not an impossible task, but it is a possibility that you should keep in mind. Therefore, if you break the switch, you will need to send back to repair it, at your cost.

Additional information

Weight 0,1 kg
Dimensions 12 × 10 × 1 cm

Sales Conditions

  • Realsimulator warrants this product to be in good working order for a period of two (2) years from the date of purchase. For a more detailed information, please, visit our General Sales Conditions page.
  • Shipping cost is not included in price. It will be calculated based on the weight of the products and once you have provided your address.
  • This product is shipped by Postal Air Mail or Express service. You will receive an email confirmation as soon as your order ships. On this confirmation will be a link that will take you directly to the freight carrier’s website so that you can track your order online.
  • Postal service orders are shipped  every Monday morning (Spanish local time). Delivery time usually takes between 5-10 working days, according to destination.
  • European Community Citizens must add the European taxes (21%).
  • This price is only available for home user customers.
  • For professional/commercial use, price and product are different. These customers must contact our sales department ( for quotation and ordering information.

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