Ultra started red blinking on its own

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Joined: Tue Jul 25, 2023 5:29 pm
Product: R3L-ULTRA
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Ultra started red blinking on its own

Post by Rafal_Szul »

Hi there.

It's my third day with FSSB and I got very nasty surprise.

I have FFSB Ultra with latest firmware installed and RS RH Stick v2.
Forces set to 13lbs pitch, roll 10 lbs. Warning level 85%
I had 1.5h flight in DCS without problems. I debriefed and the turned off pc and went to bed.

I woke up in the morning and the FSSB was beeping, vibrating and blinking red. The PC is in the locked room, nothing happened during the night.
I checked the HID tool and it shows roll axis max to the right.
I reloaded firmware and did NPA and reloaded firmware again.
Nothing helped.

How come the stick just broke on its own?

Posts: 1
Joined: Mon Feb 06, 2023 2:23 pm
Product: R3L-ULTRA
S/N: 50

Re: Ultra started red blinking on its own


Have you found a fix for this? I've just been having the same issue. Roll axis max to the right for me.
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